Episode 14

S2 EP 14 How To Find The Best Place To Live In Italy

Ciao! Today we are going on a virtual tour across the regions of Italy, to help you find the perfect place to call home. Whether you're looking for busy hub in the north or a relaxed, sun-soaked lifestyle in the south, this episode will guide you through the key factors to consider and help you pick the best place for you.

Key Points Discussed:

Understanding Italy's Regions

  • Italy is divided into 20 regions, each with its own provinces and municipalities.
  • The country has a rich history, only becoming a unified republic in 1861, which explains the distinct regional differences.

Lifestyle and Personality Fit

  • The North offers more order, modern amenities, and predictability, while the South is known for its rustic charm, deep-rooted traditions, and a bit more chaos.
  • Your personality and lifestyle preferences should guide your choice between the North and South.

Reasons for Moving

  • Whether you're moving for work, retirement, or to be closer to family, your specific needs will influence your ideal location.
  • Consider factors like job opportunities, healthcare, transportation, and social life.

Weather and Seasons

  • Italy has distinct seasons, with the north experiencing colder winters and the south enjoying milder temperatures but hotter summers.
  • Weather can significantly impact your quality of life, so choose a region that aligns with your climate preferences.

Healthcare and Accessibility

  • The north generally offers better healthcare facilities and services due to more resources and population density.
  • If you need specialized medical care, central or northern Italy might be more suitable.

Social Life and Community

  • Italy is known for its vibrant social life, but your experience can vary based on location.
  • Smaller towns in the south may offer a more welcoming community, while cities in the north might be more insular.

Cost of Living

  • Northern Italy, especially cities like Milan, is more expensive compared to the south.
  • Your budget will go further in the south, but you may have to compromise on some conveniences.

Listener Questions

  • We answered questions about converting a North American driver's license to an Italian one, budgeting for closing costs when buying a house, and the most affordable and expensive places to live in Italy.

Final Thoughts

Choosing where to live in Italy is a deeply personal decision that should align with your lifestyle, personality, and practical needs. Remember, Italy offers excellent transportation options, so you can always explore different regions even if you settle in one.

Thank you for tuning in! If you have any questions about moving to Italy, feel free to leave us a voicemail at our website. Don't forget to rate and review the podcast if you enjoyed this episode. Ciao for now!

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If you want to learn more about ways that my team and I can help you live your dream life in Italy, visit us at www.smartmoveitaly.com or send me an email! 

Until next time! 

Ci vediamo!

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About the Podcast

Show artwork for A New Life in Italy
A New Life in Italy
Live longer. Spend less. Smile more.

About your hosts

Profile picture for Samantha Wilson

Samantha Wilson

For those who know me and those whom I have had the honor to help move to Italy, you know that I am obsessed with taking complex things and boiling them down into small, actionable, easy-to-do steps.

I am a bit of a freak about it and can’t remember when I wasn’t the “problem solver – solution seeker” in the confused crowd.

My dad used to say I was just stubborn or unwilling to accept “you can’t do that” for an answer. Still, I always believed that if you can look at a problem from every angle, break it down, and have the support and knowledge to move through and over the barriers, anything is possible.

Now, in my new life in Italy, I use my obsession with planning and finding solutions to help people from all over the world successfully move to Italy, whether to live part-time or full-time, with less stress and mistakes.

I am considered one of the top relocation experts in Italy and am the founder and Chief Dream Maker at Smart Move Italy (www.smartmoveitaly.com) where my team of experts and I work tirelessly to help smooth the pathway to a new life in Italy- and I hope that we can help you too.
Profile picture for London Niro

London Niro

Profile picture for Ali Frothingham

Ali Frothingham