Episode 31

Rent First, Visa Second: Key Tips to Get Started and Reduce Risks

In this episode of "A New Life in Italy," I, Samantha Wilson, delve into a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of moving to Italy: the necessity of securing a rental property before applying for a visa. Many aspiring expatriates find themselves caught off guard by this requirement, which can complicate their plans and create confusion.

I begin by outlining the types of long-term visas available in Italy, specifically the National D visa, which is valid for up to 365 days. I explain that proof of a residential address is a mandatory part of the visa application process, emphasizing that short-term accommodations like Airbnbs or hotels will not suffice. I highlight the most common visas that require a rental agreement, including the elective residency visa, student visa, digital nomad visa, and family reunification visa.

Next, I break down the different types of rental leases that can qualify for a visa application. I discuss the transitorio lease, which is a short-term option lasting between 1 to 18 months, and the more stable 4 plus 4 and 3 plus 2 leases, which offer longer-term commitments. I stress the importance of ensuring that the lease aligns with the visa requirements and the need for a legally registered contract.

Throughout the episode, I address the common challenges foreigners face when trying to secure a rental in Italy, such as language barriers, proving financial stability, and the upfront costs associated with renting. I provide practical advice on budgeting for these expenses and the importance of working with a rental agency or property finder to navigate the complexities of the Italian rental market.

I also share tips on timing your rental search to coincide with your visa application process, ensuring that you have a lease in place without incurring unnecessary costs before your arrival. Additionally, I advise listeners to check with their consulate regarding specific rental lease requirements, as these can vary.

To wrap up the episode, I answer listener questions about the cost of living in Italy, the challenges of living as a foreigner, and healthcare expenses. I encourage anyone considering a move to Italy to reach out for assistance, whether through my team at SmartMoveItaly.com or other resources, to help make their transition as smooth as possible.

Join me as we explore the ins and outs of securing a rental property in Italy, ensuring that you are well-prepared for your exciting new life in this beautiful country. Ciao for now!


Smart Move Italy Property Rental Search

Cost of Living Calculator

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About the Podcast

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A New Life in Italy
Live longer. Spend less. Smile more.

About your hosts

Profile picture for Samantha Wilson

Samantha Wilson

For those who know me and those whom I have had the honor to help move to Italy, you know that I am obsessed with taking complex things and boiling them down into small, actionable, easy-to-do steps.

I am a bit of a freak about it and can’t remember when I wasn’t the “problem solver – solution seeker” in the confused crowd.

My dad used to say I was just stubborn or unwilling to accept “you can’t do that” for an answer. Still, I always believed that if you can look at a problem from every angle, break it down, and have the support and knowledge to move through and over the barriers, anything is possible.

Now, in my new life in Italy, I use my obsession with planning and finding solutions to help people from all over the world successfully move to Italy, whether to live part-time or full-time, with less stress and mistakes.

I am considered one of the top relocation experts in Italy and am the founder and Chief Dream Maker at Smart Move Italy (www.smartmoveitaly.com) where my team of experts and I work tirelessly to help smooth the pathway to a new life in Italy- and I hope that we can help you too.
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London Niro

Profile picture for Ali Frothingham

Ali Frothingham