Episode 37

Season Finale Your Top Q&A's of 2024

Ciao Tutti! I can’t believe we’ve already reached the end of Season 2 of A New Life in Italy! It’s been such an incredible season filled with inspiring stories, helpful advice, and—my favorite part—your questions.

For this special finale, I’m tackling some of the most common and pressing questions you’ve sent in about moving to Italy. Whether you’re just starting to dream about life here or you’re already making plans, I’ve got answers that I think will help you take the next step toward your Italian adventure.

We start off with a question from Tina, who’s wondering about converting her North American driver’s license to an Italian one. I walk through the process (spoiler: it’s not as simple as swapping one license for another) and share tips on preparing for the Italian learner’s test—because yes, you may need to take it!

Then there’s David, who asks about closing costs when buying a home in Italy. I break down everything from transfer taxes to notary fees and give my best advice for budgeting—hint: plan for around 10% of the purchase price.

James wants to know where the most affordable and expensive places are in Italy. I dive into the big differences between northern and southern Italy and highlight some hidden gems, like Calabria and Puglia, where your money can stretch further.

Victoria, who’s already retired and has an Italian passport, asks about how unearned income is taxed in Italy. Taxes can be tricky here, so I explain the basics and recommend getting a professional to help with the details.

Next, George is curious about the cost of living in Italy—specifically, what might be more expensive than expected. I share my personal experiences, from affordable internet and mobile services to higher-than-expected utility costs and rent in certain areas.

Mai is dreaming of running a B&B in Italy and asks whether that qualifies her for a work visa. I break down the options and remind her that owning property doesn’t automatically mean you get a visa—there are extra steps involved.

Lisa asks about travel vaccinations, so I point her in the right direction for finding services in Italy and share tips on planning ahead before traveling or relocating.

Karen is curious about residency requirements—does she need to buy property to apply? I explain that renting is absolutely an option and go over the steps for getting residency, whether you own or rent.

I also tackle questions about prima casa tax benefits, long-term rentals, and even what it’s like to live in Italy on a modest income. Mary Rose, I’m looking at you—yes, it is totally possible to live comfortably here without breaking the bank!

Before I sign off, I just want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for tuning in this season. Your support, your questions, and your stories are what make this podcast so rewarding for me. And don’t worry—Season 3 is already in the works! I’ve got some exciting topics lined up, from visas and tax incentives to even more Q&A episodes.

So, if you’ve got questions you’d like me to answer, send them in! And don’t forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share the podcast with anyone who’s dreaming of Italy.

Grazie mille for being part of this journey with me. I can’t wait to see where Season 3 takes us. Until then—ciao for now!


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About the Podcast

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A New Life in Italy
Live longer. Spend less. Smile more.

About your hosts

Profile picture for Samantha Wilson

Samantha Wilson

For those who know me and those whom I have had the honor to help move to Italy, you know that I am obsessed with taking complex things and boiling them down into small, actionable, easy-to-do steps.

I am a bit of a freak about it and can’t remember when I wasn’t the “problem solver – solution seeker” in the confused crowd.

My dad used to say I was just stubborn or unwilling to accept “you can’t do that” for an answer. Still, I always believed that if you can look at a problem from every angle, break it down, and have the support and knowledge to move through and over the barriers, anything is possible.

Now, in my new life in Italy, I use my obsession with planning and finding solutions to help people from all over the world successfully move to Italy, whether to live part-time or full-time, with less stress and mistakes.

I am considered one of the top relocation experts in Italy and am the founder and Chief Dream Maker at Smart Move Italy (www.smartmoveitaly.com) where my team of experts and I work tirelessly to help smooth the pathway to a new life in Italy- and I hope that we can help you too.
Profile picture for London Niro

London Niro

Profile picture for Ali Frothingham

Ali Frothingham